Red Dragon Carrots captivate with their vibrant and saturated burgundy exterior, tapering into a slender, crisp root. Beneath their striking skin, the flesh reveals a bold orange core, creating an eye-catching contrast when sliced. These carrots offer a sweet and slightly spicy flavor with a satisfying crunch that enlivens any dish. Perfect for roasting to enhance their natural sugars, grating raw into salads for a pop of color, or juicing for a nutrient-rich beverage, Red Dragon Carrots are as versatile as they are beautiful. They are also a treasure trove of beta-carotene, essential for maintaining good vision, and are rich in antioxidants and dietary fiber, promoting overall health.
Matt Fry and his parents, Steve and Vicky are known for their practice of growing unique and experimental varieties of fruits and vegetables. Ask Matt to grow you some okra and he'll likely come back with 6 heirloom varieties. Fry Farm is located on a beautiful piece of property near Monroe, GA and is a great place to learn how to farm in a laid back but productive environment. The Fry's have a wealth of agricultural knowledge, which they love to share with anyone interested!"
Learn more about Fry Farm