Share The Harvest
Our excess is someone else's necessity
Share The Harvest
Our excess is someone else's necessity
What Is Share The Harvest
Affordable, fresh, and organic produce is in short supply within the refugee communities around us here at our headquarters in Clarkston, Georgia. Thankfully due to the bounty of organic produce from Georgia farms and the care of our customers, Share the Harvest has become an invaluable resource for our refugee neighbors.

Since its inception in 2014, Share the Harvest has blossomed into thriving markets that now feed over a hundred families each week, while also providing free food to certain partner-identified high-need families.
Our Commitment
We are committed to giving ten percent of Fresh Harvest's profits each year to Share the Harvest, but surpassed that goal the past two years.

And we're just getting started...
Your Impact
Your Impact
None of this would be possible without the incredible generosity of Fresh Harvest's customers, whose donations helped to fund and distribute over $145,000 worth of organic produce and groceries through Share the Harvest in 2023 alone.
Four Ways You Can Support
Share the Harvest
Order A Fresh Harvest Basket
10% of the profits from each basket goes toward funding Share the Harvest. Simply being a Fresh Harvest customer, you're providing produce to families in need.
Add A Donation To Your Weekly Basket
Donate Your Basket Instead Of Skipping
Visit our FAQ page for detailed instructions on adding a donation or donating your whole basket.
Tell A Friend About Fresh Harvest
Growing the Fresh Harvest community means more dollars going directly to Share the Harvest! Who wouldn't want to spread that news?
The Future of Share the Harvest
Future of Share the Harvest
We have big dreams of seeing Share the Harvest grow, including setting up many more weekly markets around town to serve our neighbors in need.

We also initiated the process of transforming Share the Harvest into a non-profit, which will grant greater access to project funding and allow us to better serve our community.