Kenny's Farmhouse Cheese
"The quality of our cheese is only as good as the milk, and we are reminded daily that this is dependent upon healthy animals."
Kenny's Farmhouse Cheese
"The quality of our cheese is only as good as the milk, and we are reminded daily that this is dependent upon healthy animals."
Kenny's Farm was a dairy farm for several years before they began making cheese, so you could say that even before the origins of Kenny’s Farmhouse Cheese, their focus has been on milk. This started with Kenny Senior, who from what many in the area will tell you, sought to set a new standard for dairy farming in the region. With great speed, the size of the herd was doubled, as was each animal’s milk production due to greater care, superior cow comfort, and better nutrition.

Today their herd is made up of a crossbreed of several different types of cow. Some of these are American Holstein, European Holstein (smaller), Australian Red, Brown Swiss, and Jersey. It is a closed herd and has been for several years. That means they have total control over the breeding process and raise their own calves from birth. The milk is specific and consistent. Generally speaking their cows live twice as long as the average for their breeds. They are constantly watching several metrics to learn what kind of quality of life our animals have.

They are committed to becoming GMO free. They have successfully transitioned their feed crops away from GMOs and are not growing any GMO’s on their land. They are presently working to source non-GMO grains to supplement their cow’s diet. Their goal is to be 100% GMO free in the next 5 years.
Produced by Kenny's Farmhouse Cheese
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