Spring Onions
Spring Onions 1

Spring Onions

1 bunch
1 bunch
Spring onions, also known as scallions or green onions, are a crisp, aromatic vegetable with slender white bases that transition into bright green, hollow, tubular leaves. Each bite offers a mild, yet distinctly onion flavor with a fresh, peppery finish. Spring onions are harvested young, thus maintaining their tender texture and milder taste compared to mature onions. These versatile alliums are highly regarded for their ability to enhance a variety of dishes, from topping savory soups and stews to being a crucial element in Asian cuisine, salads, salsas, and marinades. When grilled or roasted, the bulbs become sweeter and the greens slightly charred, adding a complex flavor profile. Spring onions are not only low in calories but also contain essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin K and vitamin C, making them a healthful addition to any meal.
Spring onions, also known as scallions or green onions, are a crisp, aromatic vegetable with slender white bases that transition into bright green, hollow, tubular leaves. Each bite offers a mild, yet distinctly onion flavor with a fresh, peppery finish. Spring onions are harvested young, thus maintaining their tender texture and milder taste compared to mature onions. These versatile alliums are highly regarded for their ability to enhance a variety of dishes, from topping savory soups and stews to being a crucial element in Asian cuisine, salads, salsas, and marinades. When grilled or roasted, the bulbs become sweeter and the greens slightly charred, adding a complex flavor profile. Spring onions are not only low in calories but also contain essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin K and vitamin C, making them a healthful addition to any meal.
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