Kohlrabi 1


1 head
1 head
Kohlrabi, with its pale green or royal purple bulb and radiating stems tipped with broad leaves, offers a delightful crunch reminiscent of a broccoli stem but with a slightly sweeter, nuanced taste akin to apple or radish. The texture is crisp and juicy, making it a versatile addition to both raw and cooked dishes. It can be sliced for a fresh, zesty addition to salads or slaws, diced for a crunchy bite in stir-fries, or roasted to enhance its sweetness. Kohlrabi is a fiber-rich vegetable, also packing nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium, and essential phytochemicals. Its leaves are equally nutritious and can be sautéed or added to hearty stews, much like collard greens.
Kohlrabi, with its pale green or royal purple bulb and radiating stems tipped with broad leaves, offers a delightful crunch reminiscent of a broccoli stem but with a slightly sweeter, nuanced taste akin to apple or radish. The texture is crisp and juicy, making it a versatile addition to both raw and cooked dishes. It can be sliced for a fresh, zesty addition to salads or slaws, diced for a crunchy bite in stir-fries, or roasted to enhance its sweetness. Kohlrabi is a fiber-rich vegetable, also packing nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium, and essential phytochemicals. Its leaves are equally nutritious and can be sautéed or added to hearty stews, much like collard greens.
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