Ebony Rose Pluots

Ebony Rose Pluots
Ebony Rose Pluots 1

Ebony Rose Pluots

6 count
6 count
Ebony Rose Pluots tantalize the palate with their juicy, succulent flesh that melds the sweetness of a plum with the nuanced flavor of an apricot. Each bite of this hybrid fruit offers a symphony of taste, beginning with a vibrant burst of sweetness that gracefully transitions into a subtle hint of tartness. The skin of Ebony Rose Pluots boasts a dramatic, deep reddish-purple hue, while the flesh inside reveals a contrasting, rich red color. Best enjoyed raw to savor its complex flavor profile, this fruit is perfect as a hand-held snack, sliced into vibrant salads, or as a delightful topping for creamy yogurt or indulgent desserts. Plus, it is a mouthwatering addition to fruit tarts and pastries. Bite into a Ebony Rose Pluot for a unique and exquisitely flavorful fruit experience.
Ebony Rose Pluots tantalize the palate with their juicy, succulent flesh that melds the sweetness of a plum with the nuanced flavor of an apricot. Each bite of this hybrid fruit offers a symphony of taste, beginning with a vibrant burst of sweetness that gracefully transitions into a subtle hint of tartness. The skin of Ebony Rose Pluots boasts a dramatic, deep reddish-purple hue, while the flesh inside reveals a contrasting, rich red color. Best enjoyed raw to savor its complex flavor profile, this fruit is perfect as a hand-held snack, sliced into vibrant salads, or as a delightful topping for creamy yogurt or indulgent desserts. Plus, it is a mouthwatering addition to fruit tarts and pastries. Bite into a Ebony Rose Pluot for a unique and exquisitely flavorful fruit experience.
About the Producer
At Fresh Harvest we prioritize working with local producers and upholding our sourcing standards. To curate the best quality and quantity of produce we will sometimes pull from a variety of producers. We look to other growing regions for those items that are impossible or difficult to consistently grow well in our region. Any produce coming from out-of-state will be clearly labelled with it's place of origin. Explore >
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