Butternut Squash

Butternut Squash
Butternut Squash 1

Butternut Squash

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1 count
The Butternut Squash, with its bell-like shape and smooth, tan exterior, is a winter squash favorite that offers a sweet, nutty flavor reminiscent of a pumpkin. Its firm flesh boasts a vibrant orange hue, indicative of the rich beta-carotene content within. This squash is encased in a hard outer skin that, once peeled, reveals a dense, succulent interior. The Butternut Squash is incredibly versatile, perfect for roasting, pureeing for soups, or cubed and added to stews and curries. When cooked, it transforms into a velvety, richly flavored addition to both sweet and savory dishes. Aside from its delightful taste, Butternut Squash is nutritionally dense, brimming with vitamins A and C, potassium, fiber, and antioxidants, making it an excellent choice for health-conscious consumers looking to add more vegetables to their diet.
The Butternut Squash, with its bell-like shape and smooth, tan exterior, is a winter squash favorite that offers a sweet, nutty flavor reminiscent of a pumpkin. Its firm flesh boasts a vibrant orange hue, indicative of the rich beta-carotene content within. This squash is encased in a hard outer skin that, once peeled, reveals a dense, succulent interior. The Butternut Squash is incredibly versatile, perfect for roasting, pureeing for soups, or cubed and added to stews and curries. When cooked, it transforms into a velvety, richly flavored addition to both sweet and savory dishes. Aside from its delightful taste, Butternut Squash is nutritionally dense, brimming with vitamins A and C, potassium, fiber, and antioxidants, making it an excellent choice for health-conscious consumers looking to add more vegetables to their diet.
About the Producer
Mitch Lawson's farm, located on the fertile flood plains of the Oostanuala River in Northwest Georgia, has been growing certified organic produce since 2004. Very few other Georgia farms have such a longstanding tenure of organic certification. The 30 acres under cultivation is a lot to manage, but Mitch and his team make it look easy! Growing from only 2 acres back in the mid 2000's, Rise 'N Shine now produces over 40 types of organic fruits and veggies each year. Explore >
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