The Plum, a stone fruit family member, bursts with a juicy sweetness and slight tartness that titillates the taste buds. Its vibrant red to crimson skin envelops a succulent, firm flesh that is golden-yellow near the edges and crimson around the stone. These plums are often round or heart-shaped and fit snugly in the palm of your hand. They make for a delightful raw snack, as well as a colorful addition to fruit salads, desserts, and jams. Baked or poached, Plums enhance sweet and savory dishes alike, complementing spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla. They offer a wealth of nutrients including vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, and dietary fiber, contributing to a balanced and healthful diet.
Bianca Kaprielian and CJ Buxman started Fruit World in 2017. They're all about peak-season pickings, flavor-packed produce, and keeping family farming thriving into future generations.
Learn more about Fruit World