Ginger Hibiscus Tea

Ginger Hibiscus Tea
Ginger Hibiscus Tea 1

Ginger Hibiscus Tea

16 fl oz
16 fl oz
In this flavorful blend of Hibiscus Tea, we've drawn from the home brewing traditions of the south. Merging the distinct flavors of ginger and citrus to our hibiscus base produced a satisfying beverage we just had to share.
In this flavorful blend of Hibiscus Tea, we've drawn from the home brewing traditions of the south. Merging the distinct flavors of ginger and citrus to our hibiscus base produced a satisfying beverage we just had to share.
About the Producer
Pride Road LLC is a family owned and operated food manufacturing company that produces all natural locally grown Hibiscus based products. Their Hibiscus begins from seeds collected from the previous season’s harvest. These seeds are grown into transplants and planted at local Georgia farms. The harvesting process requires that each calyx is individually hand-picked and cored where they are processed and packaged locally at our multi-processing facility located in Lithonia Georgia.

The Georgia climate offers an ideal environment for Hibiscus growth. Pride Road only gives their plants the best possible feed, Sun and Rain and Georgia has plenty. Explore >
Filtered water, hibiscus calyxes, cane sugar, pureed ginger, lemon juice and natural flavors.
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