Organic Chicken Livers

Organic Chicken Livers
Organic Chicken Livers  1

Organic Chicken Livers

1 lb
1 lb
Grateful Pastures chickens are Certified Organic, Pasture-Raised, and are the best of the best flavor-wise. They are a small farm that is dedicated to respectfully raising animals in the cleanest, healthiest, and most environmentally-conscious way possible. Taste what chicken is meant to be!

Each package includes roughly 1 lb of chicken livers.

Delivered frozen.
Grateful Pastures chickens are Certified Organic, Pasture-Raised, and are the best of the best flavor-wise. They are a small farm that is dedicated to respectfully raising animals in the cleanest, healthiest, and most environmentally-conscious way possible. Taste what chicken is meant to be!

Each package includes roughly 1 lb of chicken livers.

Delivered frozen.
About the Producer
Grateful Pastures chickens live in mobile shelters outside. They are moved to fresh pasture every single day. They see sunshine, but are sheltered from the elements. They are able to forage for grass, seeds, and insects like nature intended. This system is not only the most humane way of raising chickens for meat, it also regenerates the soil. Explore >
Chicken liver.
Keep frozen.
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