The Red Danjou Pear, a true jewel among fruits with its radiantly crimson-hued skin, teases the palate with a sweet and slightly tangy flavor profile. This elegant pear, often recognized by its bell shape and soft, buttery texture, provides succulent, aromatic flesh that pairs exceptionally well with an array of cheeses, nuts, and wines, elevating any cheese platter or dessert course. Slightly firmer than its green counterpart, the Red Danjou is ideal for baking or poaching, maintaining its form while absorbing delicate spices and syrups. Add slices to a fresh salad for a pop of color or enjoy them as a delectably juicy snack that not only satiates your sweet tooth but also provides essential nutrients like dietary fiber and vitamin C.
At Fresh Harvest we prioritize working with local producers and upholding our sourcing standards. To curate the best quality and quantity of produce we will sometimes pull from a variety of producers. We look to other growing regions for those items that are impossible or difficult to consistently grow well in our region. Any produce coming from out-of-state will be clearly labelled with it's place of origin.
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