Yukon Gold Potatoes distinguish themselves in the potato family with their alluring, buttery yellow flesh and a delicate golden-brown skin. These medium-sized potatoes showcase a slightly flattened, round shape perfect for a myriad of culinary uses. They are prized for their velvety texture when cooked, holding their shape well for salads and stews yet creamy enough for mashing. Yukon Golds have a naturally rich, buttery flavor, which means you can use less butter or cream when cooking them. Boasting a beautiful balance between moist and dry, they are equally sublime when roasted to a golden crisp or used in making a smooth potato soup. These potatoes provide vitamin C, potassium, and some dietary fiber, making them a nourishing choice for any meal.
Store in a cool, dark and dry place such as a box in a dark corner of the pantry; a paper bag also works well.
At Fresh Harvest we prioritize working with local producers and upholding our sourcing standards. To curate the best quality and quantity of produce we will sometimes pull from a variety of producers. We look to other growing regions for those items that are impossible or difficult to consistently grow well in our region. Any produce coming from out-of-state will be clearly labelled with it's place of origin.
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