Primavera Sisterhood is a chocolate-forward coffee from Huehuetenango, Guatemala that celebrates the efforts of women who produce coffee in the region. Made up of coffees grown across five different women-owned farms, this lot from sustainability-focused supplier Primavera Green Coffee exists to further elevate women in the coffee supply chain. In fact– when roasters purchase this coffee, a portion of the price goes to fund workshops that are targeted to women coffee producers, so that they can access key agronomy and post-harvest processing training.
Primavera Sisterhood has a classic, Guatemalan chocolate and nut profile with juicy red apple flavors. Being a milder coffee, it pairs well with milk or cream and performs spectacularly in a French Press or other immersion brewing method. That said, a filter method like automatic drip would make this a perfect daily drinker in the morning.
12 oz, Ground
Customers love the freshness of Firelight Coffee. Roasted the Saturday before each delivery, you won't find a more recently roasted coffee in any grocery store. Founders Ryan Harlan and Todd Johnson teamed up in West Midtown to source and roast a broad lineup of ethical coffee from small growers around the world. The result is always a fantastic cup 'o joe!
Learn more about Firelight Coffee Roasters