What is Share the Harvest?

Share the Harvest means good food for every table. It takes shape each week in the form of multiple organic produce markets supported by Fresh Harvest and its customers. These thriving markets provide organic produce to over a hundred refugee and immigrant families throughout the Clarkston area.

All donations are tax deductible

How to Support Share the Harvest


Order a
Fresh Harvest Box

10% of the profits from each box goes toward funding Share the Harvest. By simply being a Fresh Harvest customer, you're providing produce to families in need.


Add a Donation to
Your Weekly Produce Box

You choose the amount, one time or recurring.


Donate Your Produce Box
Instead of Skipping

Visit our FAQ page for detailed instructions on adding a donation or donating your box.


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About Fresh Harvest

Growing the Fresh Harvest community means more dollars going directly to Share the Harvest! Who wouldn't want to spread that news?