Val's Kale Chips

Valerie, the owner and creator of Val’s Kale Chips, was born in Atlanta, Georgia and currently resides and has her full commercial kitchen in Fayetteville, Georgia. As a child she loved vegetables and even had her very own garden in grade school. Her continued love for vegetables coupled with a raw/vegan lifestyle led her to taking a course in raw and living foods in 2012. Upon graduating and desiring to continue the lifestyle, she did not want to eat empty calorie snacks and decided to create recipes with the superfood of the greens, Kale. Kale is very rich in vitamins A, C & K with a long list of other marvelous health benefits, and within over a year Val had created five original flavors of kale chips all with very unique qualities and benefits: Original(nervous system), Spicy Curry(anti-oxidant), Ginger Spice(digestive), Garlic and Sweet Garlic(immune system) and more. Vegan, raw, all natural, gluten and soy free, Val’s Kale Chips are made with the powerhouse of locally sourced kale and contain no fattening oils or preservatives. The chips are dried and never fried which leaves an abundance of nutrition.