Making jam is dead easy–and strawberry jam is the queen of confiture. It’s a great way to put sadder berries that you’ve neglected to great use, and you’ll be able to use this technique for other fruit down the line. Just be sure to refrigerate this jam after you make it.

The Simplest Strawberry Jam

by Chef Ollie Honderd

Yields about 2 Cups


  • 1 Pound Strawberries, washed, stemmed, roughly cut
  • ½ Pound Sugar (about 1 cup)
  • Zest + juice of 1 lemon


  • add strawberries, sugar and lemon juice + zest to a pan or pot wide enough to fit the mixture in a layer or two
  • Bring mixture up to boil, reduce to a bare simmer and let simmer gently for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent scorching, until mixture has thickened into jam
  • When is my jam ready? When you drag your spoon across the bottom of the pan and the mixture doesn’t rush back into place; when the mixture has turned from ruby to a more purplish burgundy shade; when the mixture comes off your spoon in slower clumpy drips as opposed to a fast stream; when the mixture is uniform, matte and bubbles are tight and larger, not sloshy or foamy. Here’s roughly what it ought to look like: