Founders, Whole Bean

Founders, Whole Bean
Founders, Whole Bean 1
Founders, Whole Bean 2
Founders, Whole Bean 3

Founders, Whole Bean

11 oz
11 oz
Curated by the team at Portrait Coffee, the Founders aims to highlight all the best parts of a cup of coffee - a smooth, sweet, and juicy mix to start off your day. Current tasting notes are cocoa, nutty, & grapes. Right now, our Founders is a blend of beans from Colombia.
Curated by the team at Portrait Coffee, the Founders aims to highlight all the best parts of a cup of coffee - a smooth, sweet, and juicy mix to start off your day. Current tasting notes are cocoa, nutty, & grapes. Right now, our Founders is a blend of beans from Colombia.
About the Producer
Our name comes from a desire to change the picture that comes to mind when folks think of specialty coffee.

As coffee enthusiasts and local residents, we care deeply about seeing people being able to take advantage of the new economic opportunities being presented in our corner of the city. We're located in The West End—historic Atlanta neighborhood with a rich history of black entrepreneurs and culture. It is also experiencing a rich revitalization that’s been lacking the presence of new black and brown entrepreneurs. Our hope is that Portrait Coffee is a catalyst for new representation and growth. Join us in pouring a new narrative. Explore >
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